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Showing posts from February 11, 2020

Coronavirus Disease In India -Story of COVID19 | Earth In Danger

Coronavirus Disease In India- Story of COVID19 | Earth In Danger In China there was a place named "Wuhan". In Wuhan's market a guy bought a Snake to eat. That snake was infected from an unknown virus. The next day that guy got sick. He went to doctor. That doctor found something different in his body. Within few days doctor found the same disease and symptoms in more than 40 people. Doctors never saw that virus before. There was no cure to that virus. That virus changes their structure after infected to another body. Thats why it took so much time to invent cure for that virus. That virus started spreading across China. Within month more than 24,000 people infected from that virus. Doctors gave a name to that virus "Coronavirus". In Wuhan , there was some students of India who was studying there. Some of them came back to India. They was infected from that virus. That virus started spreading in India. Coronavirus horror story - Short Stories High Th